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  • brittanygabriel 2:53 am on January 12, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: dark, hate, , Love, , , war   

    At war. 

    I could be fine.

    You don’t really know.

    I’m not.

    But the days keep burning,

    And I keep yearning to find a reason in my head.

    Because there’s no point in not participating.

    Even when nothing makes sense.

    So here I am.

    In my head is where I live.

    On this Earth is where my body resides.

    What is really important?

    That’s what I’m trying to find.

    The deeper meaning behind this superficial planet.

    This world at war, with its own kind.

    At war with another color, another way of life.

    My mind at war with itself.

    Why must we not accept one another?

    Why can’t i love my inner being?

    Why must there be so much hurt?

    It aches in my soul.

    This way of life it fills us with a hole,

    Filled with lack of hope.

    Filled with eptiness in our souls.


  • brittanygabriel 10:34 pm on June 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: big city, , Love, , my story, , , , small town, story,   

    My story. 

    Wrote this the past couple days. I’m not sure if this is considered a poem. I’m not really a writer… but.. some feedback would be nice! This is just about my journey moving from a small town to a big city.


    I grew up sheltered,

    My eyes shielded from the light of truth.

    My mind clouded by what I was told to be true.

    And as I grew into a young woman, it was all I knew.


    I was a small town girl who moved to the city.

    Oh, how I thought it was so pretty.

    As the city lights shined bright,

    I felt that everything would be alright.


    No longer was I that small town sheltered girl.

    I was free to do as I pleased.

    The thought had me at ease.


    Little did I realize the struggles I would soon face.

    I wish they could have come at a slower pace.


    Month to month life seemed to grim.

    My love was starting to dim.

    For the boy I had loved was just a friend.

    We both knew our romantic relationship would end.


    The thought of being all alone in the city had my stomach twisted.

    The thought of moving home crossed my mind, but I resisted.


    While loneliness in my heart set in, I wondered

    “When will this end? Oh, when will my heart mend?”


    Continuing my life as if I was alright,

    Life really did become a delight.


    Friends, they came and went but one friend was there to mend my broken heart.

    Little did we know we would soon part.


    A boy with a broken soul.

    Lost and spinning out of control.


    He turned my frown upside down,

    until the day he had to leave town.


    My heart was shattered,

    and sadly I didn’t think it mattered.


    He was on an important journey to find his soul.

    But meanwhile he kept in mind a goal.


    To steal my heart

    and never again part.


    It’s been 3 years.

    Many cheers,

    and beers,

    and tears.


    We share the same love and fears.

    We both would be okay without any peers.


    And as our love grows,

    I hope he knows,

    That he is the one I chose.


    And with our hearts in sync,

    we begin to think of the life we could have in the country.


    Where the green grass grows,

    and the river flows.

    And the stars shine bright,

    rather than the city light.

    Surrounded by fresh air,

    living blissfuly without a care.


    So here I am.

    Doing what I was told living big city of hopes and dreams.

    And as the city lights gleam.

    I dream.


    I dream of the small town we will soon call home.





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